Monday, May 3, 2010

A Mediocre Post, Truth be Told

The title says it all, I didn't have any great stories this week! That was truly unfortunate. Here's a few mildly amusing stories and one scary one...

The 1st grade students were given a "prize" of gummi bears for completing the longest list of words...One of the girls licked her bears, stuck them together, and said, "Look they're kissing....they're on their honeymoon!"

Another fun day with learning to make inferences. Infer is the big word right now, as the teacher reads a chapter book (gasp! so exciting) the students are supposed to infer what new words mean...Here are their thoughts on the word "infant" -
-a guest
-when you go swimming in a hole...
Don't let these kids babysit!

That's all for funny stories folks, but I did have a sobering moment yesterday. After having taught the preK Sunday school class I was chatting with a mother who came to pick up her child. All of the sudden the worst kind of shrieking started happening behind me....a little 4 year old boys was screaming and crying and flinging his hand around. He turned bright red and just kept screaming. No matter how much coaxing I did, I couldn't get him to stop, calm down, or let me see the wound! All the while he screamed, and flung blood EVERYWHERE, including a generous spattering on my face. For a while he let me hold him but he still wouldn't stop crying or let me see his hand. He wouldn't let me clean it off or even put on a bandaid, he just wanted to scream! Ok, I realize all you parents are just laughing right now because this is probably normal, but it was scary for me! Finally, his mom came but he wouldn't let her see it either! She just held him for what seemed like forever until he let her put a bandaid on. It turned out to be a little scratch that just bled a lot because it was on his finger. Here's the kicker - I have no idea how he hurt himself! All the toys in the room are soft and the room is specifically set up for little kids. I asked his sister who was a witness to all this and she said he cut it on the wall. Huh?!? I looked all around the room to see what he could have cut himself on but it remains a mystery :S Needless to say, it was a rough morning...working with kids is so much fun, but it definitely has its scary moments!

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