Monday, September 29, 2008


I chatted with my neighbor Jake again today....he asked me if I could fit in the trunk of my car (which, so that it makes more sense, was open when he asked)....but still, a little odd. I think the thing is that he's very friendly and outgoing, he just doesn't know what are appropriate topics of conversation. So yeah....anyway......

Newest headlines in my life:

Washington Mutual (my work) was bought out by JP, Morgan & Chase. What does that change for me? Absolutely nothing! Lol, and it doesn't change anything for WaMu customers either......

This weekend I went "home" to Sequim (hometown) for the wild celebration of my Grandma's and Mother's birthdays :) It was a great weekend (albeit quiet) with the family and my cat. I really enjoyed my time away, simply relaxing and laughing over a birthday steak dinner on Saturday. This pic isn't the most recent (it's actually from *my* birthday, in August) but I finally stole it off my mom's camera, so I'm adding it....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

good ol' fashioned....

Well, thanks for the positive reinforcement guys, you have officially aided in my decision to continue writing....I will no longer be mentioning such things as riots and tear gas, toilet paper outages, and crazy chance encounters with local crazies in the street, however, here is the latest anecdote in my currently mild life....

Today (I wrote this yesterday) I met one of my neighbors! Weird right? Maybe this is not true where you live, but in Seattle - we really don't go out of our way to talk to people we don't know, as a general rule. I include myself in that, although I've even been known to be a little more outgoing than most (which has resulted in startling and confusing poor elevator riders simply hoping to get to their floors and locked safely behind apartment doors without any human contact). However today I was in a 'Seattle state of mind'...and I walked up the stairs at a brisk pace, pausing momentarily to smile politely and nod at the fellow on the stairs. He however, awkwardly said hello with the courteous nod as well, but then....launched into conversation! But, because I was already in motion and not expecting him to begin with any sort of real dialogue did not anticipate the need to halt soon enough. So we began to have a conversation as I slowly halted my ascent on the stairwell (by this time I was a good 5-6 stairs above him) and had a conversation from there. Mostly it consisted of, introductions and then him asking if my sister drove 'that car' (pointing to my car...) I, mildly amused, and more so confused, corrected him that it was in fact my car (as I had just exited it, moments before climbing the stairs) and that I didn't have a sister. Apparently he either thought that Tracy was my sister, or that the other girl he had seen was not me, but in fact someone who looked similar to me and drove my car. He then proceeded to ask me about the BMW parked next to my car, and if my sister owned that one. LOL. Needless to say - it was a rather awkward and forced conversation but I enjoyed it immensely nonetheless. It's nice to know your neighbors - even if their perception of you is a little bit skewed. So, now I have met Jake, the Asian man in (I'm totally guessing) his mid 40s, who smiles a lot, wears sandals that remind me of Chris Cho's, and doesn't seem to have a good grasp on reality. But who knows....maybe now if I ever need to borrow a cup of sugar, I'll know where to go :)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

maybe....just maybe

Hey friends, I don't know that there are many left of you out there who still look at this...but I wanted you to know that I am contemplating keeping it open. I recognize that I'm no longer on such an up-front adventure as I was this past year - however, you never know what life is going to throw your way. That said, I'm going to leave this open for occasional anecdotes from my life, photos or perhaps book/movie reviews.

As for a quick update on my life, I'm living in Lynnwood with Tracy (good friend from college), working at Washington Mutual in Edmonds, and taking this year to figure out what I want to do with my life (and work on paying those students loans!) Right now, the plan is to head towards getting my teaching credential next fall, but who really knows, the Big Guy upstairs is always changin' my plans. I really miss Venezuela, and I miss my teammates, but I'm doing my best to start-over here in the US. Right now, my best friend is the local library (as I have no money, and no friends within visiting book usage will substitute for company for the time being). I'm eager to see how the next year of my life will unfold....