Sunday, September 21, 2008

maybe....just maybe

Hey friends, I don't know that there are many left of you out there who still look at this...but I wanted you to know that I am contemplating keeping it open. I recognize that I'm no longer on such an up-front adventure as I was this past year - however, you never know what life is going to throw your way. That said, I'm going to leave this open for occasional anecdotes from my life, photos or perhaps book/movie reviews.

As for a quick update on my life, I'm living in Lynnwood with Tracy (good friend from college), working at Washington Mutual in Edmonds, and taking this year to figure out what I want to do with my life (and work on paying those students loans!) Right now, the plan is to head towards getting my teaching credential next fall, but who really knows, the Big Guy upstairs is always changin' my plans. I really miss Venezuela, and I miss my teammates, but I'm doing my best to start-over here in the US. Right now, my best friend is the local library (as I have no money, and no friends within visiting book usage will substitute for company for the time being). I'm eager to see how the next year of my life will unfold....


Andrew said...

Yes Chelsea, I'm still paying attention. Is that the same wamu as Allyson? Reading is cool. Julie and I have a lot more time for that here because there isn't a lot to do in our small town. Keep posting. I'm excited to hear more from you.

Noemma said...

I still read your blog!!! Did you have reverse culture shock?