Sunday, May 9, 2010

Does he know what worried means?

Last week in Sunday school, one of my darling pupils - Jonah - cut his finger open. He threw a huge fit, if you remember, jumping and screaming and flinging blood all about. Today, while making Mother's day cards, he leans over to me and says...

Jonah: Look teacher! My finger is all better!!!
Me: I'm so glad buddy, I was worried about you last week.
Jonah: I know teacher! I was really worried about you too!


Also today, he told me that my mom was not as good as his mom (on the mother's day theme) because his mom's name starts with a D, and mine doesn't. I said that my dad's name starts with D, and he said no, cuz that's a mom's name only.....

My poor dad!


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