Saturday, April 17, 2010

Who needs a social life?

As you may or may not know, the choices I've made regarding working all the time, commuting to Seattle, going to grad school, volunteering at Helen Haller, taking guitar lessons, and trying to work out often, don't leave me a ton of time for a social life. However, I've discovered the solution - my newest bff (best friend forever, for all you old people out there ;)) is one of the first graders in the classroom I volunteer in. Her name is Paola. She and I started our bffship last week during library time because she asked me to read her a book at Quinceaneras (the special 15th birthday celebration of girls in the Hispanic community). This week in class, I got to spend some time with Paola working on her own reading. After that I was the constant object of her affection throughout the day. After a copious amount of hugs and invitations to come play at recess, I knew Paola was my newest best friend. The funniest part of my day though, was at the end of the day, after all the kids were dismissed to go home. Paola grabbed my hand and tried to guide me in the direction she was going. I said, "Alright Paola, have a good weekend, I'll see you next week, ok?" She said, "Aren't you coming to my house? We could play and even read some more." I laughed and explained that I couldn't go home with her but I'd see her soon...her response, "But I thought we were friends!!"

There you have it ladies and gentlemen, who needs a social life when first graders give you all the validation you need??!


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