Monday, April 12, 2010

6 year old evangelist?

Mormons. We all know them. We've all seen them at our front doors with their ties and bike helmets. They evangelize, it's what they do. But at what age do they begin?! Here's a conversation I had with a first grade little boy on Friday:

W: "Teacher, do you go to the Mormon church?"
Me: "No, actually I don't."
W: "Well, why not?"
Me: "I go to a different church."
W: "But the Mormon church is better, I LOVE it!"
Me: "Oh yeah? Why do you love it?"
W: "You learn about Jesus and stuff..."
"Oh! And sometimes you get to go the Bishop's house and he gives you cookies!"

I had two thoughts:
1). Yikes! This kid is really an evangelist. At what age is it appropriate to teach your kids to prosthelytize? Apparently in the Mormon church they come out with tracts in hand. Gotta give them credit for enthusiasm.

2). What does the bishop do after he gives you the cookies? Does this SCARE ANYONE ELSE??!?!?!?!?! Please tell me he doesn't take you in a special back room :S


~ JC ~ said...

I live in the heart of Mormonville---Salt Lake City, and the sad thing is, you hear the Bishop child inappropriate relationship spring up all the time---then quickly and quietly snuffed away so the SLC calm can be kept...sad but true.

Chelsea Rose said...

I was curious after hearing about all the Catholic priest-child relationships. That is heartbreaking. I hope that's not really the situation with this boy, but I'll keep an ear out.