Sunday, April 18, 2010

Bathroom Lessons

Today I learned my lesson about kids and the power of suggestion...

This morning our children's choir was performing a few songs and a skit they had put together. Before they were about to go on stage for the first service they were discussing all the things that could possibly go on (what little adults they are!), the oldest girl (5th grade) jokingly asked what we would do if she peed her pants on stage. I said we would laugh at her. (Don't worry I told her I was kidding...eventually)

BUT, right before they were about to go on stage for the second service, I jokingly asked her if she needed to go to the bathroom. This was a mistake. The littlest girl (preK) and the two boys proceeded to rip off their costumes and run to the bathroom! Of course right as they did this the cue for us to go on stage came. So...I sent the other kids down the aisle and waited for the other three at the restrooms. Needless to say we made a bit of a bedraggled entrance. One of the boys got so nervous he couldn't get his belt fastened! Poor kid!

All that to say, I learned my lesson. The power of suggestion is a strong one, especially when it involved peeing one's pants in public!

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