Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Movie Review!

Rating: 4.0

I'm switching to Movie Review (only for the day). I'm not a big movie watcher in general. Right Ivan? Haha...I much prefer half-hour TV shows (even if I watch 4 in a row) rather than 2 hour movie. What does that say about me? I'm not sure...Maybe I am truly shaped by a culture that doesn't even have the patience to watch a 2 hour movie anymore...Although, the fact that cinema is one of the biggest sources of entertainment for Americans would be a testament that instead I am the anomaly. Anyway, beyond all that speculation, I DID watch a movie yesterday, admittedly while baking cookies and washing dishes...however, I did.

I watched the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - a book I also read not that long ago (but prior to the beginning of my book reviews). I enjoyed the book and was surprised at the depth to which it actually goes, farther than what one would assume to be a Teen-girl book. It explores the themes of true love and support between friends and what that looks like (as well as other more surfacy topics).

I was sorely disappointed in the movie. As with most books-made-movies the story fell drastically short of what the original book story portrayed. Not only were the story of the individual girls changed (especially Lena! her story was NOTHING like the one in the book) but I felt like so much of the emotion and dpeth portrayed in the book was gone - leaving simply a teen-flick dealing mostly with teen crushes. I was sorely disappointed...

I'd recommend the book before the movie of course. I'd give the book a 7.0 for such as easy read....enjoy!

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