Monday, November 3, 2008

Book Review Numero Uno

I Dared to Call Him Father:The Miraculous Story of a Muslim Woman's Encounter with God

by Bilquis Sheikh and Richard H. Schneider

This book was exactly what the second half of the title claims - a miraculous story of a Muslim woman's encounter with God. I have to admit...I never finished the book! I read at least 5/6ths of it...but I got a little bored. Parts of this book were certainly inspiring, Bilquis is a woman of incredible faith...However, the action occurring in the book seemed very repetitive (something like this....I started to feel oppressed/I stopped feeling the presence of the Spirit....then I realized that I needed the presence of the Spirit back, so I prayed and stopped sinning...and there He was!)...Which, is all great and encouraging...but it's similar to my everyday life (except that hers took place in a country full of spiritual oppression).

The thing that I did really appreciate about this book was how intensly intune Bilquis was with the Holy Spirit. She was able to pinpoint feelings of the moment she walked away from the Spirit. I, on the other hand, tend do drift away and not really notice it until it becomes painful. haha.

Anyway, I'd recommend the book for easy reading - and perhaps you have a better attention span than I and you'll make it through the entirety of the novel. Despite my lack of focus during my reading of this book, I walk away from it with a deeper respect for those who live in truly religiously oppressive countries as well as a desire to have the deep intuition of the spirit that Bilquis had in the book. Because really - walking the Spirit is soooo much better than walking away. Right??? the answer is yes... :)

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