Monday, November 3, 2008


as an aside to the post I just posted....I've started getting tons of books from the library - from whatever Amazon recommends for me. However, I'm also open to any of your suggestions (you people, I value your opinions much higher than the computer generated list Amazon provides for me)! So...suggest away :)


Noemma said...

Have you read Redeeming Love??!?! If you haven't, read it! It's amazing!

Anonymous said...

If you are looking for fiction, I recently read The Shack, which I found to be rather interesting. Sometimes a little juvenile (it was initially just written for the authors kids), but it displays God's relational side really well. It's a quick read.
Side note though, it is controversial. And new, so it might not be at the library, but, you can look and see, if I owned it I would lend it to you, but I don't so I can't.