Monday, September 10, 2007

3 Days baby!

Hey all, so good news = my support is done! God is SO GOOD, He has brought in everything I need to spend the next year of my life in Merida, Venezuela. Thank you to everyone who has supported me so far, and will continue to do so over the next year. This would be impossible without your support and your prayers!

If for some reason you're not already on my update list and would like to be, let me know, I'll add you!

My team and I are officially leaving on Wednesday morning early, so please pray for safe travels and that all of the details would work out according to plan.

I want to keep in touch with all of you over the next year. Please add me on skype or AIM (both screennames are chelsearoseh). I want to be able to both share my prayer requests with you as well as hear yours so I can pray for you.

In case you feel like mailing me stuff, here's the address:

Chelsea Hasenpflug
Res. Monsenor Chacon, Edif C, Apto 2-4
Av. Las Americas
Merida, Merida Venezuela 5101

Thank you so much everyone, I love you all, and I miss you already!

Love and blessings, Chels

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