Thursday, August 30, 2007

So Close....and yet so Far.

Ok Friends - 5 Days and counting....

At this point, I am in need of about $300 in monthly support, and I will be done!
That's it - just $300/ can happen right?! Please, please, please pray that it will come in ASAP, so that I can be packing with assurance that I am to leave the country next Wednesday.

Other Prayer Requests:

I have two couples who have pledged support, but have not come through with the actual signing up the deposits yet - both being rather large monthly amounts, that I really need! Pray that they would come through for me, and not back out :S

Also, pray for my team as they are all (minus one) still trying to finish up all their support as well. We all still believe that we are called to go, and are praying for a miracle in these last few days in the U.S.

Pray for our travel arrangements, as of now, our plane tickets are still in limbo and there could be many details/complications there.

Pray for morale! Our team, especially myself, is having a rough go of it this last week, not only trying to finish up this support, but also trying to pack up our entire lives, and say goodbye to friends and loved's not an easy thing to do!

Thanks for your prayers everyone! Keep at it! 5 days and counting.......

1 comment:

Noemma said...

I'm praying hard for you, Chelsea!!!