Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Hey all, so a lot of people don't like constantly seeing percentages (as far as how much support I need) and would rather have an actual number that they can pray exactly here it is:

I have $1,736 in monthly....I need another $235 in monthly support....that's like nothin', just need a few generous people, right?

I have $7,820 in special-needs.....I need $3,341 in special-needs.....I need a lot of generous people, good thing God is in control right?

Overall, I have (after it's all calculated out....) about $28,000 (WOW! God is good!), and I need about $35,000 (yikes!). This puts me at 81%.
( my happy face! ------------------------>)

( <-------- my worried face...) Essentially I have 6 days to raise about $7, keep praying! If it is in His will, I have no doubt that God will provide, He always does.

My sinful human nature simply wants to give up and say that this is impossible.......I'm so glad that I serve the one true God that can do the impossible! Keep praying.......I'll be giving updates all week, we'll see what happens!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.