Sunday, February 1, 2009

Did you know?!

So, for a the last week or so there has been a "game" going around facebook in which one person writes a note including 25 unknown/interesting facts about themselves to share....while I'm not really a big fan of forwards and that kind of thing, I recognize that this blog has been a bit vacant recently, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to share some little known (or maybe not, depending on how well I know you) facts about myself with you....

Ok, here are my 25 unknown/uninteresting, oops I mean interesting things about me.....

1). I've been tear-gassed.

2). I have a "condition" known as Grapheme Synesthesia ( in which I associate every number is a color. I also do it for people, but with people the colors change. Up until a couple years ago I thought this was normal...since I discovered it's not, I've only known one other person who has it - my mom. Must be genetic....

3). I'm excrutiatingly shy. I know most of you don't believe me, but it's true.

4). I've eaten ostrich. and pheasant. and venison.

5). I've never seen Lord of the Rings. and I plan on keeping it that way.

6). I dislike foods based on texture more than on taste. (I hate mushrooms, seafood, and pretty much anything slimy for that reason)

7). My closet is color AND categorized into daytime/nicer.

8). My favorite TV show of all time is FRIENDS. I'm pretty sure I have every line memorized. Challenge me sometime....

9). I LOVE WARMTH and SUNSHINE. I would much rather be too hot than too cold. Why do I live in Seattle, you ask? I wonder that as well...but I do love how beautifully green it is in Washington.

10). I want 4 kids. yup, 4. However, that might be a problem (see 11).)

11). As of this month, I've been single for 4, count 'em 4 years.....I'm ok with it, but society is not.

12). I'm currently applying to graduate school to get my Master's in's a stressful process, but if I'm lucky enough to get in, I am so excited to go back to school.

13). I'm an ESTJ personality type. Heavy on the E and the J.

14). I heart Tae Bo. I'm horribly inflexible and weak, but I love love love it.

15). Most of the people I love live far away from me these days :( With a few exceptions...

16). I'm a music junkie. Seriously I'm always looking for new good music. I've recently discovered Wilco and Band of Horses. Also the new singles by Lifehouse and The Fray are worth a listen.

17). I loved snow all my life until this December. Now it is my worst enemy.

18). I've been piranha fishing. and seen an anaconda up close and personal :S

19). I talk in my sleep! Ask me about wrapping presents for "the old jazz band people"

20). I love to play the piano, although I only took lessons for two years, so I'm not that good.

21). I suck at all sports. But I love to swim and play tennis. And I like to go to sporting events on occasion.

22). I did not vote in the McCain/Obama election, nor did I watch the Superbowl.

23). I love learning languages. I speak some Spanish...and I've just started learning Bosnian. Ti su curka! Zravo drugarice. Sta ima?, huh?

24). I hate driving, especially if there are people in my car. But really, I hate driving in general.

25). I named our washing machine and my bedroom door.

I'm also realizing that by posting this on my blog, it will re-post to facebook...oops!

1 comment:

Noemma said...

What color do you associate with me? :)