Saturday, October 13, 2007


Something I find amusing although I suppose not too surprising, here in Venezuela are the mistranslations that seem to occur from time to time, when anyone goes through the effort to translate from Spanish to English. This really doesn't happen too often, but every once in a while. We went to a nice restaurant a while back called "La Abadía" (I'm not exactly sure what it means, it's something along the lines of a convent or nunnery maybe). Anyway, this place had gone through the effort to translate their menu into English, which we really appreciated! There was something on the menu however, that didn't exactly sound appetizing. "WEEDS!" or maybe you'd prefer some "Lasagna of Meat" ?????

Eben and I wandered into a T-shirt sort of store in search of, can you guess? T-shirts. However, the one we found (with English writing!) didn't seem to make any sense. "The Ultimate Sentation?" What does Sentation mean?

Finally, (although there are more that will be posted here eventually), I just want to know what is wrong with the arms of this man who is crossing the street!?!?! Is there a reason they look like noodles and/or are longer than his legs?

1 comment:

Noemma said...

You were just about right..."Abadia" is abbey.

That shirt reminds me of the time we were at La Hechicera and Francis and I had just met Ronald. He was wearing a shirt that had an image of a football, and the shirt read "Soccer". Francis pointed at it and said, "Why does your shirt say that?" LOL....