Sunday, July 25, 2010

NODM Half-Marathon

This post is exceedingly late in being written, however, a significant event happened in my life last month and I have yet to fully share it with you all. I walked/ran my first ever half-marathon! Now, as many of you are aware, I am not a runner by any means, never have been. However, over a year ago my dad decided it was time to change his lifestyle, in an effort to get off some medications and other things that were detrimental to his life, largely due in part to being overweight. He began walking 10,000 steps a day and significantly changing his eating habits. Because of his new life choices, he was able to drop 60 pounds and ultimately meet his goal weight - and get off those medications! In support of my dad, and also for my own health, I began walking with him when I moved back to Sequim last September. Together, we have stretched our walking distances farther than we ever imagined. We signed up fot the North Olympic Discovery Marathon (NODM) that took place on June 6th, and set that as our goal. Well that half-marathon has come and gone and it was an incredible experience. Of the 13.1 mile course, we were able to run about 4 of the miles (that's a big accomplishment for us! We had planned to just walk the whole thing...but got caught up in the adrenaline rush and ended up running some!). We finished in exactly 3 hours, which was an excellent time for us as walkers. Now, we are attempting to do another on August 8th in Port Gamble. This will be a challenge for sure, but definitely something we look forward to. So, what am I doing for my 25th birthday? Running/walking a half-marathon...suuuure, why not?

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