Friday, February 29, 2008

Mountains of Spices

I am currently reading "Mountains of Spices" the sequel to the ever-famous book "Hinds Feet on High Places" (which I read years ago, and only vaguely remember....)

This book is *an allegory about human weakness and strengths comparing the spices in the Song of Solomon to the fruits of the Spirit* (taken off the cover)

I came across this part in the book and just though it was a great picture of the True King's Love.....

"I am love," said the King very clearly. "If you want to see the pattern of true love, look at me, for I am the expression of the law of love on which the universe is founded. And the very first characteristic of true love, as I have manifested it, is willingness to accept all other human beings, just as they are, however blemish and marred by sin as they may be, and to acknowledge oneness with them in their sin and need. To acknowledge also that every human heart needs both to love and to be loved, and that herein lies the very root of the oneness of mankind." p.46


Echoes said...

hi...i was browsing through and it so happens that this particular blog has touched me at a time that i really need it :)

Anonymous said...

I was looking for this exact excerpt from mountains of spices while typing a letter to a friend about love and oneness..

thanks for posting it. really life-changing words from Ms. Hurnard, for sure.

It is good to know there are still others out there reading this and perhaps even trying it. :)