Monday, November 1, 2010

Who is Booty??

I've been a little lax in my kid-quoting lately...well, I've been posting them on facebook because I know my fellow teachers-to-be appreciate them probably more than any of you...but anyway, here's a few that stuck out/entertained me lately...

At church yesterday (Halloween) I was asking the Sunday school kids what they were going to be for Halloween...

Kid #1: "I'm gonna be Aurora, and (my brother) is gonna be Buzz Lightyear, and Daddy's gonna be Booty!"
Me: "...Booty?!"
Kid #2: "Yeah, Booty! wait, WOODY!"


The other day at school I was orally testing some of the students in math when the principal walked by. One of the students cringed and had a terrified look on his face.  Knowing that he was a pretty good student and rarely ever gets in trouble, I asked him...

Me: "What's wrong buddy?"
Him: "It's Mrs. B...."
Me: ""
Him: "She FIRED one of the kids at the school!!"

I don't know what that means...but it kind of reminds me of the story about the nasty substitute who was as mean as a witch...can't remember the name at the moment, but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

Last night (Halloween) I helped my parents hand out candy.  We enjoyed messing with the kids by adding rubber rats, dog cookies, and cloves of garlic to the candy....One kid who was probably 8 years old, picked up a dog bone and went to put it in his mouth, until his friend looked at him and said "Man, that is an epic fail." haha. These kids are beyond their years!

Here's a picture from last night...don't mind the demon eyes...that always happens.

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