1). I turned 24.....I can't believe it, I'm an old lady :S Lucia flew in from Venezuela and Rafa drove up from California to spend a few days with me. We went camping at Salt Creek and hung out in Sequim for a few days. It was a lot of fun to see them again and just relax and hang out.....Camping was a bit of an adventure as it turned out that I was the most experienced of the 3 of us, but we did a lot of experimenting and laughing and exploring. Honestly, my year of being 23 has been the worst in my life thus far, so I'm hoping and anticipating better things for the year of "24". It got off to an interesting and mildly murky, albeit entertaining start - but I am hoping for good things to come in this next saga of life as a 24 year old.
2). Next week will be my last week at Chase....woooohooo. As many of you know, it has NOT been my favorite job. Although I do like most of the people I work with now, I got off to a rough start at the job and have definitely come to realize that banking is not my cup of tea. However, at the start of this job I committed to myself, and to the company, that I would put in at least a year of my time...and now I'm quitting just one week short of my start date last year - a pretty well-kept commitment, if I do say so myself :)
3). I'm going to grad school at Seattle Pacific University....starting a month from today!!!!!!!!!! I will be pursuing my Master's in Teaching through a 2-year evening class program. I don't think I could possibly be more excited. I may be a little bit behind in finding my career path than most of the people I graduated with, but I just like to think that I was very thorough in making my life decision of a career ;) Also I wouldn't have given up my year in Venezuela for anything, and this year in Lynnwood has definitely served to teach me some lessons and test me in ways I had never imagined. All that to say, I'm a huge nerd and I'm so excited to go back to school - and hopefully this time, end up with a degree that is actually useful! (oh poly sci....you were not so good to me)
4). I'm moving back to Sequim. WHAT? Yes. I'm doing it. Aren't you scared? Well yes, I'm terrified, thanks for asking :) I am moving back to my hometown after 6 years of living on my own. I'm moving in with my Grandma Jean - one of the funniest and sweetest little ladies that I know. She has a spare bedroom with my name on it and she will make for some great company - and will be, BY FAR, the cleanest roommate I've ever had! How will I get to school, you ask? I will be commuting....yes, commuting - it sounds so grown up doesn't it? It may sound crazy but as plans for grad school have progressed and wages/job availability/cost of living has been assessed the price of living with Grandma and commuting far undercuts the cost of living alone in Seattle (not to mention the emotional benefits of living with someone you love and being in a happy, green, beautiful place!). This brings me to the next big thing.....
5). I bought a car today. What's that you say? YES, I bought a car today. The best part? Through the incredible generosity of my Grandmother and wonderfully supportive parents, and after doing careful searching for just the right car, in just the right price range - I've found it (well, "her"). After driving the car that I purchased when I was 16 years of age (my 1993 Mazda Protege) I am moving up in the world and just purchased a 2008 Hyundai Elantra. It gets great gas mileage, is very reliable, and will be a great commuter car. It's dark blue and has all kinds of fun compartments and ipod hookups and whatnot inside. Power windows and locks (something I've never had!) and, here's the best part, won't break down every couple months!!!!!!!
Alright, so there's the update on my life....I'm going to attach about a million pictures now at the bottom here for your viewing enjoyment.....I'd love to hear what's going on with all of you! Love and Light, Chelsea Rose
Luly and I definitely enjoyed walking out to the tidepools.....Rafa, kept a safe distance from all scary sea-life.
At Salt Creek/Tongue Point there are WWII bunkers
Camping is fun....and sometimes scary.....
Lucia scared the heck out of me by decorating my living room with streamers, balloons and a Feliz Cumpleanos sign for my birthday!!!!!
Sometimes you'd think they're brother and seester
A very important part of camping is sitting...
where did that muppet head come from??
I found a secret passageway!
Firemaking is an important responsibility in camping....
Luly is the best arepa maker!
We decided to make Venezuelan food for my familia - shredding leeks (ajo porro) for Carne Mechada
Homer Depot - Luly's American bf!
Carrie Blake Park
My new car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hurricane Ridge Road
Up on Hurricane Ridge Road
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