Tuesday, June 10, 2008

a bushel?

Conversation I had yesterday (in the middle of a staff meeting)....

Ivan (paraphrased) : How can we really let ourselves be known as Christians?

Me: Well, not hide it under a bushel.

Eben (sitting next to me with confused face): What??

Me: You know...(with hand motions and singing voice from "This Little Light of Mine") "hide it under a bushel? - NO!!"

Eben: hahahahahahahaha

Me: what??

Eben: It's not bushel!! It's "hide it under a bush? - oh no!" You can't hide things under a measurement!

*I tried to google the lyrics but it keeps coming up with random versions that don't contain the "bushel" part.....does anyone agree with me, or did someone poorly teach me the song as kid? hahahah. oops. 22 years later, I think I've got it figured out.*

For anyone who is interested a bushel is a unit of dry volume, usually subdivided into eight local gallons in the systems of Imperial units and U.S. customary units. (wikipedia)

I always thought it was a measurement of a woven basket of apples....I think Reading Rainbow messed with my mind as a child.


Noemma said...

You're not crazy...I've heard that version too.

Google the following: "Hide it under a bushel." Your version of the song was there! And the King James version of the Bible in Mark 4:21 says "bushel."

Eben said...

Dang! I may have to concede on this one. In my own google searching I came up with this other blog, which I thought was pretty stinkin' hilarious; We are not the first to have this argument, nor the first to bring in the 'unit of measurement' argument, nor to call each other idiots for knowing the wrong words to the song.

All I can say is I must have really sounded like I knew what I was talking about because you definitely took the "I'm wrong" stance in your post. Maybe I should have been a little more humble in my assertion, b/c man, talking big sure makes it harder to eat those words later...

Just to really nail the lid on my coffin, I present the following two links for the general public. All three synoptic gospels in the KJV use bushel referring to hiding a candle.
And dicitionary.com's second definition for bushel has it as a basket, not just the measurement.

Guess my argument's toast... So here we go: I was... wr... wrrrrr... *ahem* I. Was. Wrong.

Happy Chelsea?