Monday, January 28, 2008

Water Balloons??

Hello friends, both far and near, I hope you'll forgive me for my utter lack of updating this blog as of late. Today I am here snuggled on my couch with my dearest friend Amanda, watching a movie, and felt there could not be a better time than this as to take a quick venture into blog-land. So here I am! Since January hit we have been launched full force back into ministry, but also a rough season for our STINT team as well as for Vida Estudiantil here in Merida. I won't go into too much detail, but I will ask you for prayer for relationships between staff and students, amidst the team, and just overall that we would be able to glorify God to the fullest in the midst of some frustrations and hurt feelings. Actually, right now as I sit here I feel as though I have been through some sort of rigorous boot camp test of emotions, reactions, and behaviors. Physically, our team has also struggled significantly with healthcare since the start of December. We have had a series of various illness, one (insomnia) finally sending our team leader Sarah home to the US for 2 weeks of complete rest and being away from the world and country to allow her to rest. Needless to say, any prayers are appreciated!!

Enough of the downers, what else has been going on lately? We had two staff from the US come visit us for a week for our mid-year visit. It was both a tough week but also encouraging to have reminders of why the Lord brought us here and how to pursue ministry from here on out. They were nice enough to bring us some goodies from the US: Orbit gum, various candy, and TOILET PAPER!!!! You're laughing, but it's true. We haven't had toilet paper since early December, and even now the paper towels we've been using are almost out....who knows what we'll have to do next ?! Also a blessing, they took us out to a nice dinner - providing this photo op.

Currently, the people here in Venezuela are celebrating "Las Ferias del Sol" - the Sun Fairs, and next week there will be "Carnival". This includes mostly parades, election of the queen of the ferias, bull fights, time off of school, streets blocked off, lots and lots of drinking.....and......water balloons! Young people here roam about the parking lots and streets throwing water balloons (usually filled with water, eek!) or buckets of water, squirt guns, etc....Apparently, there is also the throwing of rotten eggs, which so far, we have avoided *knock on wood* I hope to keep it that way!

Wednesday of this week, I am taking a team of students (well probably only 3) back to Santa Barbara! I haven't been there since the initial time, but I'm super excited to make it out there again. We will be doing a lot of promotion for Prueba de Fuego (our conference) as well as celebrating some birthdays and spending quality time with the students and leaders in Santa Barbara. Please keep us in your prayers! Love and blessings....

1 comment:

Noemma said...

Yay for going back to Santa Barbara!!!

I'm so happy that you guys got some toilet paper! :D