Sunday, December 23, 2007

Pico Aguila

Welll.....quickly: internet still broken :( We did discover that perhaps somewhere in the confusion of another culture and travels, etc that have happened recently, we perhaps forgot to pay our bill. Boo. Hopefully we'll get that fixed soon, somehow. On the other hand, my cell phone is fixed, yay!

In other news, since we are officially on our "vacation" we have not only been resting, but also having some fun....!! Eben's parents have been visiting from the US, which has been really cool. It's nice having "parents" around, even though they're not my parents. It does make me miss my parents even more though, especially hard right now :(. With Eben's parents being here, we got the chance to make a trip to Pico Aguila - the third highest point, accessible by car, in South America (ok, not that impressive, but I swear it was cool).

Our trip took us up a few hours into the mountains. We made a total of nine stops on the way, at various monuments and cities through Tabay and Mucuchies on the way up to Pico Aguila (Eagle Peak). We stopped at a castle, a memorial for Simon Bolivar's dog (you know you're famous when your dog gets a monument!), a cathedral and various other places. We rode
horses (SCARY!!!!). I named mine Buckwheat Julio Alfredo Papi (funny, but also appropriate for a Venezuelan horse - Venezuelans all have 4 names). He liked to bite the other horses!! I was pretty scared (this was my first time on a horse since I was 5, and the horse I was riding bucked me off and rolled over on top of me). I wasn't so good at giving him commands, at the point which we were supposed to stop and get pictures.....Buckwheat Julio Alfredo Papi decided he would rather walk towards the cliff and start munching on the wild greens.....yikes! I tried to reign him in (haha) but it was to no avail, he was hungry.....needless to say, it was entertaining,
albeit scary. The all-day trip was a lot of fun, and it was nice to get out of "Merida" and explore a little bit.

More recently I have spent my time Christmas shopping for things for my teammates and working on my snowman cross stitch (yes I'm a premature old lady....I know, I love it) and listening to Christmas music! Christmas is in 2 days, it sure doesn't feel right being in warm weather....but what can ya do!
Take it as it comes :) More later......Merry Christmas everyone!

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