Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Take it where you can get it....

As you probably can assume, any pretense of a social life is null and void by this point.  However, the other day a little boy from another teacher's class did let me know that I'm not completely decrepit yet...

He overheard me talking with my mentor teacher about her leaving the room and leaving me in charge...

Him: "You're not a teacher...?"
Me: "I'm not?! I wonder why I'm doing so much teaching then..."
Him: "Well, you don't look like a teacher."
Me: "Why not?"
Him: "'re too young, and you dress too nice!"

Like I said, I'll take it where I can get it. Haha. Kids are funny the things that they notice.

On the other hand, in the middle of a math test the other day a little girl raised her hand.  I went over to see what she needed.  She pointed right at my belly and said, "You has a baby in there?"

Didn't love that so much.

Last week we had a substitute teacher, who just happened to be a 25-year old male.  (Now, don't get too excited, he was taken).  However, it wasn't so easy to convince the kids of that - they were SURE that he was my husband.  So were a couple ladies in the staff lounge....awkward.

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week.  Yesterday, I got all my "presents."  I received a rose (from a little boy that was beaming SO big when he gave it to me, he was very proud of himself), a tulip from a little girl's garden, a dandelion from the playground, a watercolor picture, AND a plastic toy cow.  Yes, you heard me right.  A plastic toy cow.

I love my job.  These kids never cease to make me laugh (except on the few rare occasion they make me want to tear my hair out).  Social life be da**ed, at least for now, I'm glad that I love going to work every day :)


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