Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Day

Mine good! And it went by so fast :( My day was filled with turkey, pie and lots of entertainment. My parents and grandma made the trek over from Sequim to my apartment here in Lynnwood and we spent a cozy day eating treats and catching up. 3 highlights of my day included: watching my dad listen to his ipod for the first time (with my music...all kinds, English, Spanish, Rap, Rock, Shawn McDonald, James Blunt, Hairspray soundtrack, etc, etc, etc). Putting the Christmas lights, and my few meager decorations on my tree. And finally, playing Catchphrase with my family was one of the funniest things I've done in a long time. All in all it was a great day of relaxation and's hoping yours was as well :) God Bless...and in true cat lady style, I hope this makes you laugh as much as it did me...

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